
Announcements and Reminders

September 2021


1. Preaching to the Blind and Visually Impaired: Many resources are available for the blind and visually impaired. These include audio publications that can be accessed via, JW Library, Amazon Alexa, or Google Assistant. Additionally, screen reader (RTF) and notetaker (BRL) files as well as videos with audio descriptions are available on When a blind or visually impaired person shows interest, it is often beneficial to ask how he prefers to take in information and then assist him in locating the appropriate resource. Publishers who need as assistance with the use of these resources may also call the branch office and ask for the Help Desk.

2. Requesting Visits on JW.ORG: As a kind reminder, the “Request a Visit” form on is to be filled out by interested persons and not by publishers in behalf of others. Problems can result when a publisher uses the form to make arrangements for a relative or others to be contacted by one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

3. Enjoy Life Forever!: Beginning the week of April 25, 2022, the Enjoy Life Forever! book will be considered at the Congregation Bible Study. Many publishers will be able to use the digital format, which contains interactive features not included in the printed publication. However, if you need a printed copy, please inform the literature servant at the end of this meeting.

4. 2022 Regional Convention: Because of the uncertainties of safely holding large gatherings in 2022, direction regarding the arrangements for the regional convention will be provided at a later time.

5. Using Enjoy Life Forever! in the Ministry: In the near future, the elders will distribute to all publishers a new document entitled Using Enjoy Life Forever! in the Ministry (S-196). The doc ument addresses such questions as the following: ‘Where in the Enjoy Life Forever! book should I begin when transferring a student from another publication? How should I proceed if someone’s initial interest involves a topic that is not covered in the brochure? How should I use the “Explore” section in each lesson? What should I do if I am not able to access the videos in the publication? What are some practical suggestions for conducting a Bible study by videocon ference or telephone?’

6. The document also includes references that provide more information regarding the use of the Enjoy Life Forever! publications. We encourage you to review Using Enjoy Life Forever! in the Ministry as soon as you receive your copy.

Announcements and Reminders

August 2021


1. 2022 Memorial: On Friday, April 15, 2022, we will observe the Lord’s Evening Meal. (Luke 22:19) No midweek meeting will be scheduled that week. Additionally, please note that the 2023 Memorial observance will be held on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. The 2024 Me morial observance will be held on Sunday, March 24, 2024.

2. 2022 Special Public Talk: To generate enthusiasm for the Memorial, the 2022 special public talk will be presented the week before the Memorial, during the week of April 4, 2022. Congregations that have an assembly or the visit of the circuit overseer the week of April 4 will usually have the special talk one week earlier.

3. Resolved Monthly Donation to the Worldwide Work: For the upcoming service year, the congregation will be presented with a single resolution to donate a monthly amount to the worldwide work. The branch office uses worldwide work funds to support various activi ties that benefit congregations. Such activities include renovating and constructing Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls; caring for incidents at theocratic facilities, including those involv ing natural disaster, fire, theft, or vandalism; providing technology and related services; and assisting with the travel costs of selected special full-time servants in foreign service who attend international conventions.

4. Circuit Assembly Programs for the 2022 Service Year: Printed copies of circuit as sembly programs for the 2022 service year will not be provided by the branch office. How ever, electronic copies are available on and in JW Library. If you need assistance with printing a copy from, feel free to contact your field service group overseer or another capable publisher.

5. Branch Offices and Special Full-Time Servants: Recently, the Governing Body directed all branch offices and special full-time servants to maintain various safety precautions. In many cases, this means that Bethel facilities will remain on lockdown and special full-time servants will continue to shelter in place until at least November 1, 2021. Where local circumstances permit, some restrictions may be eased before November 1, 2021. These precautions reflect the sanctity of life, protect the Kingdom work, and ensure adequate support of brothers worldwide. We appreciate the sacrifices that special full-time servants and their families are making to support these arrangements. Please continue to keep these loyal ones in your prayers.


July 7, 2021


  1. 3D and Visual Effects Skills Needed to Support Theocratic Video Projects: There is a great need for exemplary brothers and sisters who have experience in 3D video work and visual effects to assist with work at Bethel. There is a need for those with experience in technologies such as 3D modeling as well as for surfacing/look development artists, riggers, animators, 3D lighting artists, and visual effects compositors. You may request a detailed description of the needed skills from the elders. All who qualify, including those with only limited experience in this field, are encouraged to prayerfully consider if they can “offer them- selves willingly” to support theocratic video projects.—Ps. 110:3.

  1. Do your circumstances allow you to assist? Baptized Christians 19 years of age or older who desire to assist with work at Bethel on a part-time or full-time basis, including assisting remotely, should speak to the congregation secretary to receive further instructions on how to submit an application. Where possible, it is preferred that publishers who have access to the Internet use the online application features. Along with your application, please include a portfolio or skills profile. If you applied recently but need to update your skills or availability, we encourage you to log in to your account and update your information using the “My Profile” link.

Announcements and Reminders

June 2021


1. Adjusted Student Assignments: As a reminder, the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure will be featured in the Bible study student assignments beginning in June 2021. Since the material to be considered for these assignments does not appear in the Life and Ministry Meeting Work book, please refer to the list of adjustments that the elders provided you.

2. Annual Items: Annual items for 2022 will be made available for download beginning in Oc tober of this year. Publishers who require hard copy editions may now request the following items: 2021 Watchtower and Awake! bound volume, Examining the Scriptures Daily—2022, and the Watch Tower Publications Index 2021. Additionally, requests may be submitted for braille editions of Examining the Scriptures Daily.

3. Bethel Service: Although circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic have limited the number of those who can be invited into Bethel service at this time, we are still interested in knowing who may be available to serve when it becomes possible to invite more volun teers. Therefore, baptized Christians 19 years of age or older who desire to pursue Bethel service or assist with theocratic construction projects on a part-time or full-time basis should speak to their congregation secretary to receive further instructions on submitting an applica tion. Where possible, it is preferred that publishers who have access to the Internet use the online application features. Additionally, applicants should view the videos Making Yourself Available for Bethel Service and Be Honest in All Things (Bethel/Construction Application) be fore submitting an application to their elders.

4. Posting Material on Websites and Social Media: While we may share information from the organization’s websites by sending a link to individuals, we should not post on the Internet any artwork, electronic publications, trademarks, music, photos, videos, or articles from our websites. This would include theocratic programs on or JW Stream, such as monthly broadcasts, congregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions. If you have posted such material on any website or social media without permission, please remove it. More information on this topic can be found in the April 2018 issue of The Watchtower, pages 30-31, and on under “Terms of Use.

Announcements and Reminders

May 2021


1. Arrangements for Viewing the 2021 Convention: We greatly anticipate viewing the six sessions of the upcoming “Powerful by Faith!” convention program. The convention program will be released incrementally on JW Broadcasting during the months of July and August. Many will view the sessions at the same time. Understandably, because of family circum

stances or other reasons, some publishers may find it necessary to view the convention ses sions at other times. This is left to the good judgment of each family head.

2. 2021 Pioneer Service School: As an exception, approval has been given for the 2021 Pi oneer Service School to be conducted via videoconference. Pioneers eligible to attend will be informed of the arrangements in due course.

3. Donation Acknowledgments: We commend the efforts of the many publishers who have adapted to using electronic methods of donating to support Kingdom interests, such as by us ing An adjustment has been made to unify how all donations received at the branch office are acknowledged. Once your donation is received, a receipt will be emailed to you to acknowledge the donation amount. Thereafter, a separate letter of appreciation will be sent each month that the branch office receives a donation from you. Note that all email mes sages from the branch office will be sent from an email address that ends with “” For technical support regarding the use of, the elders have assigned David Durdaller to help you.

4. If you choose to send your donation to the branch office using a method other than do, please provide your email address with your donation so that you can receive a receipt and letter of appreciation. Thank you for your continued support by means of your generous donations.

5. Branch Offices and Special Full-Time Servants: Recently, the Governing Body directed all branch offices and special full-time servants to maintain various safety precautions. In most cases, this means that Bethel facilities will remain on lockdown and special full-time servants will continue to shelter in place until at least August 1, 2021. If local circumstances permit, some restrictions may be eased before August 1, 2021. We appreciate the sacrifices that special full-time servants and their families are making. Please continue to keep these loyal ones in your prayers.

6. Worldwide Campaign in November 2021: The cover series for The Watchtower No. 2 2021 is “A Better World is Near.” Although this issue will soon be available for use in the min istry, in November 2021 it will be featured in a worldwide campaign to focus attention on the Bible’s hope of a better world soon to come. Publishers will be encouraged to share one scripture that highlights this hope with as many people as possible and to place a copy of the magazine with all interested persons. Publishers who decide to serve as auxiliary pioneers during November 2021 will have the option of choosing the 30-hour or 50-hour requirement.

7. Need for Travel Trailers (Contiguous United States Only): There is a need to provide temporary and long-term travel trailer housing for volunteers assisting with theocratic con struction and disaster relief efforts in the contiguous United States. Therefore, if you own a travel trailer that could be loaned or donated for this purpose, please prayerfully consider supporting these housing needs. Such travel trailers should be in good condition and road worthy, as well as capable of passing an inspection with proof of current registration (prefera bly manufactured in 2005 or later and at least 22 feet long). If after consideration you would like to support theocratic construction in this way, we encourage you to speak with your con gregation secretary for additional details.

Announcements and Reminders

April 2021


1. Downloading the Enjoy Life Forever! Book: The new Enjoy Life Forever! book will soon be available in the JW Library app. Even if you have already downloaded the PDF version of the book, we urge you to download the book in the JW Library app. The app will allow you to access fully all of the features of this interactive Bible course. As a reminder, please be sure that you have the latest version of JW Library before you download Enjoy Life Forever!

2. Adjusted Student Assignments: Now that the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure is available, it will be featured in the Bible study student assignments beginning in June 2021. Since the ma terial to be considered for these assignments does not appear in the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook, the elders will provide a list of the adjustments to all publishers and others who receive student assignments. When a video appears in the material, it should be discussed but not played. When an initial call or a return visit assignment directs that a publication be offered, the assigned publisher should offer a publication from the Teaching Toolbox other than the Teach Us book. Further information about how to use the new brochure and book will appear in the September-October 2021 Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook.

3. Personal Decisions During the Pandemic: In some parts of the world, governments have begun to make COVID-19 vaccines available to the public. Whether someone chooses to be vaccinated is a personal decision. (Gal. 6:5) Thus, it would be loving to respect the per sonal decision that each individual makes based on his Bible-trained conscience, instead of pressuring someone to make the same choice that we made.

4. When making decisions about personal activities such as socializing in person, traveling, and so forth, we want to be more cautious than the secular authorities and our neighbors, who are often eager to resume activities for economic reasons.

5. We are prayerfully considering how and when to resume our theocratic activities in a pro gressive and safe manner. However, for the time being, the Governing Body’s direction re garding our organizational activities during the pandemic remains the same. Therefore, in person preaching work—door-to-door witnessing, return visits, Bible studies, public witness ing—continues to be suspended. The Kingdom Hall should not be used unless approved by the branch office. In time, more direction will be provided regarding when various aspects of our theocratic activities can be resumed.

6. We kindly remind you of the importance of taking safety precautions at all times. Such pre cautions include wearing face coverings, maintaining physical distancing, and washing hands regularly. If you experience cold or flu-like symptoms, it would be best for you to stay home and notify your health-care provider.

Bible Study Adjustment

Announcements and Reminders

March 2021


1. Medical Matters: Baptized publishers may obtain a durable power of attorney (DPA) card at any time from the literature servant. If any publisher (baptized or unbaptized) needs assis tance in locating a cooperative doctor and medical facility that have experience in bloodless medicine, the elders will be pleased to assist. Any time you expect to be hospitalized, we rec ommend that you inform one of the elders ahead of time. When hospitalized, publishers are encouraged to inform the hospital that they would welcome a visit from a minister of Jeho vah’s Witnesses.

2. Special Morning Worship on Day of Memorial: We eagerly look forward to obeying Je sus’ command to “keep doing this.” (Luke 22:19) Those words refer to the observance of the Memorial of Christ’s death, which we will observe on Saturday, March 27, 2021, after sun down. In connection with that special day, the Governing Body has approved all who have access to or JW Library to have the opportunity to enjoy a discussion of the text for that day, which will be presented by a member of the Governing Body. The program will also in clude the Memorial Bible reading for the dates equivalent to Nisan 13 and Nisan 14. There fore, on the morning of March 27, 2021, we encourage everyone to allow themselves enough time before their daily activities begin to enjoy the 15-minute program. The program may be accessed in the same way as other JW Broadcasting programs.

3. Enjoy Life Forever!: Once the new Enjoy Life Forever! brochure becomes available in your language, you may use it to start Bible studies. It contains the first three lessons from the Enjoy Life Forever! book. After completing the brochure, if the student wishes to continue studying and the book is available in your language, you may continue the study starting in the fourth lesson of the book. If the Enjoy Life Forever! book is not yet available in your lan

guage, you may continue the study in the Teach Us book. Once the new brochure and the book are available in your language, they will replace the Teach Us and the Remain in God’s Love books and the Good News and the Jehovah’s Will brochures in our Teaching Toolbox. The Enjoy Life Forever! book covers everything that the student needs to learn to qualify for Christian baptism.

4. If you are already studying with someone in the Teach Us or the Remain in God’s Love book, you may determine when to transfer to the Enjoy Life Forever! book and where to begin in the book. However, if the Bible student has already studied the Teach Us book and is com pleting the last few chapters of Remain in God’s Love, you may decide to complete that publi cation and encourage the student to study the Enjoy Life Forever! book on his own. If your student has completed the Listen to God or the Listen to God and Live Forever brochure, dis cuss the material in the Enjoy Life Forever! book according to the student’s ability. We en courage you to become thoroughly familiar with the new brochure and book, perhaps by stud ying them during family worship. By doing so, you will be able to use these new tools more effectively.

5. Writing to Imprisoned Brothers: Many publishers have inquired about sending letters to brothers who are imprisoned for their faith. There is no arrangement for the branch office to provide addresses for these brothers or to forward personal letters, packages, or gifts to them. Writing to imprisoned brothers is a personal matter. Thus, it would not be appropriate to organize groups or campaigns for the purpose of writing to imprisoned brothers unless in structed by your branch office to do so.

6. We commend you for ‘keeping in mind’ our brothers who are imprisoned for their faith. (Heb. 13:3) In the first century, imprisoned brothers such as Peter and Paul were greatly helped by the prayers of fellow believers. (Read Acts 12:5.) May we never cease praying in behalf of our dear imprisoned brothers, trusting that Jehovah will give them the strength to endure!—Eph. 6:18; Heb. 10:34.

7. Selective Service (For United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands): The Se lective Service System registration requirement applies to 1) all male U.S. citizens and 2) im migrant men residing in the United States, who are 18 through 25 years of age. A male U.S. citizen must register within 30 days of his 18th birthday and an immigrant man must register within 30 days of arriving in the United States. From the time a man registers until he turns 26, he must notify Selective Service within ten (10) days of any change of address.

Announcements and Reminders

February 2021


1. Auxiliary Pioneering: March and April are ideal times to auxiliary pioneer. The special campaign to invite as many as possible to the Memorial begins on Saturday, February 27, 2021. In most congregations, the special talk, “Have You Found a ‘Pearl of High Value’?” will be presented the week of March 15, 2021. And this year, the Memorial will be held on Satur

day, March 27, 2021. As a reminder, during the months of March and April and during the month of the circuit overseer’s regular visit, publishers have the option of choosing a 30-hour requirement. We encourage you to make your plans now for increased service during these months.

2. JW Library Updates: An updated version of JW Library has been released that will add features specifically for the Enjoy Life Forever! publications. All publishers are encouraged to make good use of the electronic copies of these publications when they become available. Since the JW Library app is updated frequently, please be sure that you have the latest ver

sion of JW Library prior to downloading the new book or brochure. This may involve regularly checking the app store for updates or turning on automatic updates for this app on your de vice.

3. Maintaining Precautions During the Pandemic: Although vaccines are gradually being distributed in various parts of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread rapidly and new strains of the virus are appearing. As was mentioned in 2020 Governing Body Up date #9, this is not the time to let down our guard. Worldwide over 8,600 of our brothers and sisters have died from the virus.

4. The Governing Body has directed all branch offices and special full-time servants to main tain various safety precautions. In most cases, this means that Bethel facilities are remaining on lockdown and special full-time servants are sheltering in place until at least May 1, 2021. These precautions are vital for protecting the Kingdom work. Please continue to pray for the worldwide Bethel family and for the special full-time servants in the field. We are confident that Jehovah values their obedience.

5. We urge all of you dear brothers and sisters to remember the principle stated at 1 Corinthi ans 10:12: “Let the one who thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.” Although we personally may have avoided being infected with the virus, we must not become complacent. We again commend you for your faithful adherence to the adjusted theocratic arrangements during this pandemic.

6. Special Conventions: The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to create uncertainties about the safety of holding large international gatherings. In view of this, we have decided to postpone special conventions until 2023, if circumstances permit.

7. Telephone Witnessing: Many publishers are having positive results in telephone witness ing. As a reminder, householders should generally not be placed on speakerphone. (Matt. 7:12) However, when a companion is needed to assist, such as if the publisher is a child, is hard of hearing, or is preaching in a language with which he is not comfortable, a speaker phone may be used. In such cases, at the beginning of the conversation, the publisher should introduce the person accompanying him. Family heads are responsible to train their children in the preaching work. (Deut. 6:4-7) Parents should ensure that their children are always properly supervised when their children engage in the ministry, including when witnessing by telephone or by letter. Please remember that telephone witnessing, like all other aspects of your personal ministry, should comply with applicable data protection laws.

8. Regular Pioneer Hour Requirement: As a reminder, until further notice, regular pioneers are not expected to reach a specific hour requirement. This applies to all regular pioneers, in cluding those who are newly appointed.

Announcements and Reminders

January 2021


1. Annual Meeting Releases: Two new provisions for conducting Bible studies were an nounced during the first JW Broadcasting segment of the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. The PDF format of the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure is now available for download. The full digital formats of the brochure will be avail able after March 1. The PDF format of the Enjoy Life Forever! book will be available after March 1. The full digital formats of the book will be available in mid-April. Printed copies of the publications will be made available in due course. If you begin using the printed publica tions prior to the release of the full digital formats, you will have to use the links in the PDF format to access the many videos and other referenced materials that are part of the Enjoy Life Forever! publications.

2. JW Stream–Studio: We are pleased to inform you that, where possible, the 2021 circuit assembly with the circuit overseer (CA-co) program and the 2021 special meeting with reg ular pioneers, special pioneers, and field missionaries program will be broadcast via a prod uct called JW Stream–Studio. This product will allow attendees to watch a live stream of their circuit’s programs from their homes. If this provision will be used in your circuit, the circuit overseer will provide further information to the elders.

3. 2021 Special Talk and Memorial: On Saturday, March 27, 2021, we will observe the Lord’s Evening Meal. (Luke 22:19) No weekend meeting will be scheduled that week. With advance planning, it should be possible for most publishers to acquire the emblems. Some may find it helpful to review the December 15, 2013, issue of The Watchtower, page 23, paragraphs 5-7, and the video How to Make Memorial Bread, available on

4. Circuit Overseer’s Visit: We wish to express appreciation for all the support you have given to the visits of circuit overseers. No doubt all of us value their tireless efforts in our behalf, especially the encouragement we have received from them since the beginning of the pandemic. Many of these brothers are spending countless hours on the telephone or in videoconferences to give talks, conduct meetings, make shepherding visits, and take the lead in the ministry. In view of the unique circumstances, circuit overseers and their wives have been given more flexibility in their schedule. We are sure that you appreciate receiving this update and will continue to give loving support to our circuit overseers and their wives as they fulfill their assignment to strengthen the congregations.

5. Preaching Work: Because of the high risk of transmitting or contracting the COVID-19 virus, the house-to-house ministry and public witnessing continue to be suspended until fur ther notice. This includes not making in-person return visits or conducting in-person Bible studies. Please continue to take advantage of other methods of witnessing. While the elders will be pleased to provide you with training, no one should feel pressured to participate in any specific method of preaching, since each publisher’s circumstances are different. Re gardless of the methods of witnessing you choose, be assured that Jehovah is pleased with your whole-souled service.

6. 2020 Governing Body Update #9: We encourage all to watch the 2020 Governing Body Update #9 video presented by Brother Lett of the Governing Body. In view of its importance, please arrange for your entire family to watch the 15-minute video as soon as possible. To access the video on, go to LIBRARY > JW BROADCASTING > NEWS AND AN NOUNCEMENTS. To access the video on JW Library, go to MEDIA > VIDEO > JW BROAD CASTING > NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. Please note that the video will be played during the midweek meeting during the week of January 18, 2021, in place of the 15-minute part “Annual Conventions—Opportunities to Show Love.”

Announcements and Reminders

July 2021


1. Rotation of Circuit Overseer Assignments: A rotation of circuit overseer assignments will not take place in September 2021. In general, circuit overseers will remain in their current as signments through the 2022 service year. We know that you will continue to confirm your deep appreciation for your circuit overseer and, if married, his wife.